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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Video : Nikki Reed teases MTV about the infamous “Dog Bowl Scene”

MTV recently chatted with Nikki Reed about whether the Twilight movies would need to be an extra hour long to include everything the fans want. During their chat, Nikki Reed talked a bit about the infamous dog bowl scene. Now the question is, will it be included in the DVD extras?

For international fans here’s the transcript from MTV :
However, thanks to a recent chat with star Nikki Reed, we have more evidence that the infamous “dog bowl” scene between Rosalie and Jacob is both faithful to the book and can still hold out hope that it is miraculously edited into the final cut vs. what we heard about it back inJuly at Comic-Con.
“We shot the dog bowl scene. In fact, we shot it enough times for my head to hurt, because I was smacked in the head with various items that I’m sure at some point will be CGI’d into dog bowls, and at one point it was a rubber dog bowl,” recalled Reed, who has yet to see the final cut of the film. “Taylor [Lautner] is pretty strong; I needed that scene to end up in there. [But] I never know what’s going to end up in there.
“But here’s what I do know: Things that are not in the movie do end up on the DVD special features section, so that’s good,” she teased.


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