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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kristen Stewart Interview from Telva Magazine (Translated)

Check out this interview that Kristen did with Telva Magazine. The translation is below!
“I had a great time shooting On The Road, my next movie that is based on Jack Kerouac’s novel. There’s a scene where I dance like crazy, it was the beginning of the Rock n’ Roll years! I didn’t know how to dance before, it embarrassed me, but now I just go for it.”
Few words and you realize she has vast culture and is a self-educated person. She loves literature and art. She recently read Steinbeck, one of his favorite authors – “I love East of Eden”, she says – and she discovered William Styron, by which she loves Lie Down In Darkness, which movie adaptation she’s just confirmed will be one of her next projects.
“I’m not hard on myself. I accept my contradictions and my fears. I’m impulsive when I have to make decisions. I’m not afraid to make mistakes.” After leaving her seabass fillet half-eaten on the plate, we agree on the dessert choice: cheesecake!
Why does she always look serious in the pictures? that’s the question I’ve wanted to ask her all night. “That’s what I say!” she suddenly jumps. “I don’t care if I don’t always look perfect. I know they criticize me for that. I just don’t care. I’m not a slave to this machine. If I always looked perfect, people would say ‘look at her, what a faker, she can’t be always perfect’. That would embarrass me more because it’d mean I’m not being honest” she explains.
But you laugh a lot, you actually look really funny and lively, I tell her. “I am! I don’t feel more awkward because I’m famous as many people think. The problem is that as soon as you become famous, they have an idea of you, and it’s usually biased. Like now for instance, you’re asking me questions and I’m answering. You know something about me but I know nothing about you. That’s what is bad about fame, that you never are on the same level as the others. Nobody approaches you and asks you how you are, please…Forget everything you think you know about me and get to know me now, right now, because I love getting to know people and I really hold my friends dear.
I’ll be clear, Kristen has never turned into someone she is not. Nor does she feel like she has to free herself from Bella’s characters in order not to be type-cast. “I’d go crazy if I did it. Thanks to Bella I don’t have to fight for every role I want to play.”
To read in its entirety, please visit: Twilightish


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