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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eclipse and Eclipse STars Nominated for 2011 MTV Movie Awards

It’s that time of the year again! Time to get your vote-on for the 2011 MTV movie Awards (which air LIVE June 5th). The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and its stars have been nominated in 8 categories. Here’s the list:
Best MovieThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Best Female PerformanceKristen Stewart – The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Best Male PerformanceRobert Pattinson – The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Taylor Lautner – The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Best Breakout StarXavier Samuel - The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Best KissKristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson – The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner – The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Best FightRobert Pattinson vs. Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel – The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
♥ Voting has begun and will end on June 4th!  VOTE HERE up to once per day!


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