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Monday, April 11, 2011

Judi Shekoni’s New Interview With Team-Twilight

Judi Shekoni plays bad–ass vamp’ Zafrina in the upcoming The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn and the folks over at Team–Twilight had the chance to get an exclusive interview with her! Here’s an excerpt:
Team-Twilight: Your character has a lot of interaction with Renesmee. Have you spent much time with Mackenzie [Foy]?
JS: I have, yeah, and she’s so lovely, such an amazing child. Like when I have children, I want them to be like her, just so well brought up. And that’s pretty much the consensus of everywhere and everyone, just saying what a well brought up, polite girl that she is. And very mature, as well, for her age. She’s super lovely, and it’s great, the relationship that they [Zafrina and Renesmee] have in the book is very strong and powerful and I hope that it carries across on screen.
TT: How much time did you spend in Baton Rouge?
JS: Wow, I spent about four months.
TT: It’s funny, because reading the cast’s Twitter updates, it kind of seems a bit like summer camp. Was that the kind of experience it was? It is just so many people working every single day together. I am curious what that was like.
JS: It must have been really interesting for you guys reading all the Twitter. That makes me realize that I know only what I write, really. But if you seem them all together, you probably have a better idea of what it was like for everyone than me, who was in the middle of it. It was really to see that everyone’s opinions of what went on kind of built up a true picture. I think it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity where I got to be with a group of like-minded individuals. Everyone around about the same age. Everyone on the same journey together. And also, all of us doing an interesting, cool film. We aren’t doing one where I’m pregnant and my baby’s ill,and it’s not something that is like torturous to shoot, and super highly emotional. It was one about relationships and we kind of felt like that by bonding with each other we were adding to the film.
Read this entire new interview HERE!


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