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Monday, March 28, 2011

Booboo stewarts message-to fans after privacy invasion

Booboo Stewart (aka Seth Clearwater) recently had his, and his families privacy invaded which involved his Mother’s cell phone being compromised. I think this is awful and adore Booboo for all that he does with charity and how involved he is with his fans. Read below for more information on the situation, and Booboo’s reaction to the privacy invasionbooboostewart-2.pngTSC Entertainment is reaching out to Booboo fans with this info from Booboo:
“Booboo Stewart would like his fans to know how much he appreciates their support and thinks they are totally awesome. Booboo enjoys meeting and sharing with his fans when he is in public, loves to chat with them on Facebook and Myspace, but, please respect his family’s personal privacy.
Booboo’s mother’s cell phone was compromised by an individual or individuals that contacted her via text and impersonated Booboo. This was worrisome to his mother and family because of the nature of the text. Steps have been taken to correct this matter. Booboo and his family appreciate your understanding for family privacy.
Booboo wants to assure his fan he will always make an effort to share and communicate what’s happening in his life and career and truly appreciates their understanding when it comes to his family’s personal privacy.”


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