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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rob's Ex-girlfriend Nina Schubert Says Robert Pattinson Will Make a Great Dad and Great Writer

The website Big Smoke Tavern had the chance to chat with Robert Pattinson‘s ex-girlfriend Nina Schubert recently and of course, there was a little Rob mention. Nina says Rob will make a great Dad someday, among other things. Read on:


N: Looking back on some of the guys that wanted to be with me, like this German guy, a beautiful guy. He was a bit geeky and a bit sort of, like ‘do you want to share some duvet cover when we watch the movie?‘ – that kind of guy. And I was like, uckh no. I liked this Geordie guy on the other side of the room with his foot up in the air picking his toenails.

My ideal guys have been there, but when I didn’t realise it. I find myself attracted to people who might not be ideal for my personality. I love Jeff Bridges. When I go out with guys I always imagine them 30 years down their life. Like Peter, he’s going to be a great man. And like Rob, Rob will be a great dad. He’s very talented. Eventually he’ll be a writer.

Me: Really?

N: Yeah, he’ll write films and plays.

Me: Not music?

N: Yeah that too, but he’ll write.

Me: Where will you be in 10 years?

N: In the depths of Siberia, living underneath Rasputin’s old house.

Me: Doing what for a living?

N: Trying to come up with magic tricks.

Me: What’s your favourite domestic animal?

N: My boyfriend.


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