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Thursday, November 18, 2010

‘Breaking Dawn’ Wedding Cake Controversy

We just reported news that Fairy Dust Cakes would be the bakers behind the Edward and Bella Breaking Dawn wedding cake, but it seems as though Summit Entertainment is upset about the news hitting the blog-world, so chatted with a source at the cake shop and discovered the following info:

A Nov. 17 report claimed that Fairy Dust Cakes, an adorable cake shop in Denham Springs, LA., was designing Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella’s (Kristen Stewart) wedding cake for the Breaking Dawn movie— but don’t get too excited! A source close to the cake shop tells that although “someone from the acquisitions department” at Summit Entertainment called the owner of Fairy Dust Cakes and offered them the task, the studio later called back and “freaked out!”

“Summit told Fairy Dust they had been chosen to design the cake, but after it hit all the Twilight blogs, they got upset because they didn’t want any information about the cake out there,” our source reveals. “They told the shop that they would look into the matter and get back to them about it.”

I understand that Summit is likely worried about fans contacting the cake shop for information regarding the design, etc… but I think it’s fair that the shop would be excited to announce the news about scoring the project too (which is why they posted it up on their website).


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