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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kimbra Hickey is the hands behind the Twilight book cover and now, she’s aiming for a role in the Breaking Dawn

Kimbra Hickey is the hands behind the Twilight book cover and now, she’s aiming for a role in the Breaking Dawn movie! Here’s what Gossip Cop reported:

“It was major exposure for my hands. But nobody knew who I was,” she tells the New York Post.

“I see people reading it on the subway, and I say, ‘Those are my hands! I’m a hand model!’”

“I’m sure they think I’m crazy — a crazy lady on the subway.”

Now the New Yorker occasionally offers autographs near her local bookstore’s cash register when someone picks up a copy of the book. She also attends fan conventions, where she markets hand lotion — apple-scented, of course.

She’s expressed interest in being cast in the Breaking Dawn movie, “even if they only wanted my hands in it.”

Hickey got $300 for the 2004 photo shoot that became Twilight’s cover and says she’s aware of at least four fans who have tattoos of her famous mitts.

You can read the entire article here–>


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