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Friday, February 10, 2012

Studio: Sixth Twilight film will happen if Stephenie Meyer writes another book

Now that the Lionsgate acquisition of Summit is complete, the studio has started talking about ifTwilight will continue. Rob Friedman has stated that if Stephenie Meyer chooses to write an additionalTwilight book, then the studio is on board to make a sixth film in the franchise.
“If she (Meyer) wishes to do it, we’ll be there to support her” with a sixth film, said Friedman, who now runs the Lionsgate movie division with Patrick Wachsberger after the duo sold Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the Twilight franchise, to Lionsgate in January as part of a $412.5 million leveraged buy-out.
In addition, if I’m reading this correctly, it looks like we are getting our Breaking Dawn Part 2 trailer in front of Hunger Games when it releases in March.
For example, the Breaking Dawn Part 2 trailer will debut on every Hunger Games print on its theatrical opening on March 23 – Lionsgate’s largest ever theatrical release.


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