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Saturday, January 28, 2012 Do ‘Twilight’ Fans Want a TV Show?

Laura over at Twilight Lexicon addressed the possibilties of a Twilight TV show in her recent article for Here is some of her article. Be sure to read the entire thing over at as it is well thought out and interesting!
The most basic of questions is, “Would the fans want a TV show?” Only 27% of the fansbase responded to that question with a flat-out “no”. The remainder were split between instant approval and maybe. The most important thing to the fans in these last two categories was the involvement of Stephenie Meyer. It’s no shock to anyone that Twilight fans are highly protective of their franchise. They don’t like deviation from what is in the books. Author Stephenie Meyer is for many fans the final word when it comes to change. If Stephenie Meyer approves it, then they’ll accept adjustments. One fan named Jackie summed it up by stating, “I think a TV show or series would be a great idea. It would have to have Stephenie involved to have the same continuity as the books. Her story and the way she tell it is what sells the books and the movies, it would not work if it went in any other direction.”
Head over to to read more! This is really a great article and I can’t wait to see what, if anything happens. What are your thoughts?


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