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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Local Native Lands Role in ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2′

Marisa Quinn (pictured below) scored herself a role in Breaking Dawn part 2. Read on below for some info on who she will be playing!
When Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 debuts in 2012 you’re sure to see a lot of familiar vampires and wolves, but you’ll also see one fresh face who happens to be from the Valley.
Marisa Quinn grew up in McAllen and she is ecstatic about her new role as Huilen, “My character is South American, she’s the aunt of a very pivotal character who’s also half human half vampire. We come in at the very end of the movie, at the height of all the tension and we kind of save the day.”
You can find out more about the character she plays here: here
View  full article video here


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