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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Taylor Answers Fan Questions From Glamour UK’s Twitter

Taylor recently took over the Glamour UK’s Twitter account and answered fans questions! Check them out below!
Hi Taylor here – hello to everyone here in the UK and can’t wait for the premiere tonight #AskTaylor
Q) What’s your fave scene in Breaking Dawn? #AskTaylor @jennithom80
A) Probably the birth scene. It’s intense.
Q) If u had to be a diff char in twilight who would it be? #AskTaylor @ItssCharlotte
A) I’ve gone back & forth between Edward & Bella but Bella
Q) What advice can you give people wanted to break into acting? #AskTaylor @abigailh97
A) Work hard, and be persistent. Keep going!
Q) #AskTaylor What’s your idea of a perfect day? @steph_G_1982
A) Sometimes just to do nothing. Being able to wake up and have nothing to do
Q) Funniest thing on set? #AskTaylor @amyeb23
A) In Eclipse, I carried Kristen a lot, and I slipped on the mud. She landed on me.
Q) Would you ever do a British film? #AskTaylor @LaursCullen91
A) Of course! I have no limitations
Q) #AskTaylor are you a night owl, or an early bird? @Specialk14
A) Night owl for sure although I do like waking up early as you do get more done.
Q) #AskTaylor What does your mum think of you running around topless? @YorkshirePoet
A) She really hasn’t commented on it thankfully
Q) Have you ever regretted auditioning for a role? #AskTaylor @_naomiyoung_
A) No. Definitely not. Audition is a growing process
Q) Tell us a secret about one of your Twilight co-stars #AskTaylor @Seleza
A) Kristen is an amazing cook & Rob has a great sense of humour
Q) Favourite song ever? #AskTaylor xx @ohsoky
A) Where the streets have no name by U2
Q) If there was a movie about you, who’d play the young/old you? #AskTaylor @angelwithwings_
A) I don’t know about young but old how about Daniel Day Lewis
Q) Will you ever make a Twitter? #AskTaylor @AdoringLautner
A) I can’t say I will never but I want to make clear I’m not on there now
Read the rest of the Q & A here.


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