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Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Elizabeth Reaser Interview With Bullett Magazine

I saw Young Adult, but haven’t yet seen the new installment of Twilight
Elizabeth: That is, like, the only time I’ll ever hear that in my life!
Which raises the question, what’s Robert Pattinson like?
Elizabeth: [Laughter.] Oh my god, stop!
With only one Twilight film left to premiere, I’m curious to know if you’re relieved or sad, or both, that the end is near.
Elizabeth: Neither, really. I feel like we were lucky that we got to finish what we started. There was no guarantee of that when we began making these movies. I don’t feel sad about it, though. I’m an actor, and actor’s move on. You’re always clawing your way to the next thing. It’s tough, but you don’t have a lot of time to sit around and think about it.
Tell me about Young Adult. Since you’re playing a human being in this one, as opposed to a vampire, people might assume you’re more like Beth than Esme Cullen.
Elizabeth: Except for that fact that she’s human and that she’s from the Midwest, we’re nothing alike. I have a face that people assume belongs to a nice person, and so I often get cast as the warm, maternal character—when I’m playing humans. It was actually really challenging to play Beth, because I’m so far away from her—a wife and mother who lives in the town where she grew up. I know that world, and part of me really loves it, but I couldn’t be further from it in my real life.
You’ve seen firsthand a handful of actors’ overnight rises to super stardom, and, to be honest, as an outsider looking in, I don’t think it looks like a lot of fun. What’s your take on it?
Elizabeth: I would agree. As someone on the inside, I don’t think they’re having a lot of fun, to be honest. I mean, at first it’s fun, because people are rolling out the red carpet for you, and you’re getting into restaurants and people are sending you jackets—
Back it up. They get jackets?
Elizabeth: [Laughter] People start sending you boxes of shit and you’re suddenly fabulous. But I’ve seen a lot of the joys of being young — running around and getting into trouble, walking down the street and ignoring the world — totally vanish.
Almost instantly.
Elizabeth: In this case, it was literally overnight. But this is the agreement we enter into as actors. You can’t complain about it. You just can’t. I’ve been involved in this industry for a long time, and I know that there are a lot of choices that are made along the way, choices that can form your day-to-day life. There are people who cultivate attention, and then there are other people who don’t. This is a conscious choice that you and I are talking. I don’t have to do it; I want to do it. So even though the contracts for celebrities have definitely changed, there are choices one can make that will inform everything going forward. I’ve seen people go different ways.
I hadn’t really considered the choices actors make after their initial rise to fame.
Elizabeth: Look, Angelina Jolie isn’t famous by accident. It’s not like, in spite of herself, she’s become a star. It’s a choice.
Read More At bullettmedia


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