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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Angela Sarafyan Talks Working on ‘Breaking Dawn’

Angela Sarafyan – who plays Tia in Breaking Dawn – recently spoke with Next Movie about her new film “American Animal,” as well as her experience on the Breaking Dawn set. Angela refers to the set as ‘intimate.’ Here’s an excerpt from her interview:

What is next for you after the madness of South by Southwest?

Well, you may have heard, but I’m about to head to Vancouver to finish shooting “Twilight” ["Breaking Dawn"]. That has been really great, a lot of fun. This will be my first time in Canada and everyone tells me it’s a good time.

So you started shooting and now you’re returning?

We were shooting down in Baton Rouge for about three months and I just got back to Los Angeles, we were shooting there. And when I get back, then we’ll finish in Vancouver for a month. And that will be the end, the end of “Twilight!”

How different is the experience of shooting a big, Hollywood movie like “Twilight” as opposed to a smaller film like “American Animal?” I imagine they must be two ends of the spectrum.

It’s funny you say that because it was quite the opposite from what I expected. It’s a very big, big film and you’d think it would be filled with pressure and… it’s not at all like that. It’s very intimate. Easy to do, somehow. The people I work with are so helpful, kind and welcoming. It’s been fun to go to work with those kind of people, especially under very extraordinary circumstances.

It doesn’t feel as big as you’d think, which has been good for me as an actor. I get to play around and create things and have fun in the moment. We’re only one part of it as actors, because the special effects and visual effects all come in [after]… and [director] Bill Condon conducting the whole thing – only half the film is being shot, the other half is in post-production. It’ll be a huge surprise at the end, [laughs] I don’t know what it will look like!You can read this entire interview here!


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